Tuesday 27 February 2018


1.Helen is having a party. Complete what she says to her friends with the verbs below.
Use the affirmative or negative form of must, have to or need to. There may be more
than one correct answer.

call ¿ take ¿ bring ¿ clean ¿ touch
    1.   I ……………………………… some photos. I want to remember this party.
    2.   You really ……………………………… a gift. It’s not a birthday party.
    3.   We ……………………………… Jane right away. We forgot to tell her about the party.
    4.   You ……………………………… my sister’s computer. She doesn’t want anyone to use it.
    5.   We ……………………………… the house after the party.

2.Learn how to make friends at a new school. Choose the correct modals to complete the tips.

    1.   You should /mustn’t / shouldn’t talk to everyone you meet at first. You never
know who will become a good friend.
    2.   You must / mustn’t / need to try to be someone you’re not. It’s important for
people to get to know the real you.
    3.   You mustn’t / should / don’t have to ask for help when you need it. It’s a good
way to make a new friend.
    4.   You mustn’t / shouldn’t / have to try to remember people’s names. They
sometimes get annoyed when you don’t.
    5.   Remember, you don’t need to / mustn’t / should have 100 friends. It’s enough
to have two or three good friends.
    6.   You shouldn’t / mustn’t / have to be patient. It’s ok not to make 10 friends on
the first day at your new school.

3.  Write questions with the words in brackets and suitable modals.

    1.   A: ......................................................................................................... (call your parents)
          B: No. They know where I am and when I’m coming home.
    2.   A: ......................................................................................................... (study for a test today)
          B: Yes, I’ve got a maths test tomorrow.
    3.   A: ......................................................................................................... (forgive Max)

     B: I think so. He didn’t mean to hurt your feelings

4.  Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the modals in brackets.

    1.   Is it really necessary to apologise? (need to)
    2.   It would be a good idea for you to relax after working so hard. (should)
    3.   Do not hurt someone’s feelings by making fun of them. (mustn’t)
    4.   Will it be possible for us to do this? (able to)
    5.   It’s possible that he won’t agree with us. (might)
    6.   It’s not necessary to be pushy to get what you want. (don’t have to)
    7.   Do you need help? (can)


  1. I've just done this exercises! Unit 5 is easier than unit 4.
    I don't know if exercise 3 is wrong. Could you please correct it? 😀
    Btw I am Gonzalo

    Exercise 3
    1. Do I have to call your parents?
    2. Do you have to study for a test today?
    3. Should I forgive Max?

  2. -Exercicie 4-

    1.-) shouldn't. 2.-) need to.
    3.-) should. 4.-) have to.
    5.-) don't need to. 6.-) shouldn't.

  3. Hello teacher, I´m Laura. I understand everything except the first question in exercise 4. Can you help me?

  4. Hi teacher, I am Paola and I have some questions.
    exercise 2
    1. I don't know if I have to put should or should't because I don't understand the meaning of the sentence.

    exercise 3
    1. Do you need to call your parents?

    exercise 4
    1. Do we need to apologise?

    I want to know if the two last sentences are correct. Thanks

    1. The first one is "shouldn't" and the other ones are correct.
