Monday 26 February 2018


1.Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.

1.  If it …………………… (be) cold this weekend, we …………………… (not drive) to the lake.
2.  He …………………… (climb) up the Eiffel Tower if he …………………… (visit) Paris.
3.  …………………… you …………………… (take) a taxi if the bus …………………… (not come)?
4.  Unless we …………………… (leave) now, we …………………… (not reach) the airport on time.
5.  The bus …………………… (arrive) soon unless there …………………… (be) a lot of traffic.

2  Match A to B. Then complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero Conditional.

    1.   …………………… your teacher …………………… (get) impatient
    2.   If it …………………… (rain) a lot in April,
    3.   If I …………………… (not know) a word,
    4.   If you …………………… (leave) ice in the sun,
     ...... a.  I …………………… (look) it up in the dictionary.
     ...... b.  it …………………… (melt).
     ...... c.  when students …………………… (ask) a lot of questions?
     ...... d.  there …………………… (be) usually lots of flowers in May.

3.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the Second Conditional.

    1.   I want to visit Australia, but I haven’t got enough money.
I would ..........................................................................................  .
    2.   I think you should take a tour.
If I .................................................................................................  .
    3.   I can’t take my tent because the luggage allowance is only 20 kilos.
If the luggage allowance ................................................................  .
    4.   The guide speaks so softly that we can’t hear him.
We .................................................................................................  .
    5.   Do you think Daniel is too shy to ask me out?
Would Daniel ................................................................................  ?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Third Conditional.

    1.   Jack …………………… (go) to the nightclub if it …………………… (not cost) so much.
    2.   If we …………………… (leave) the hotel earlier, we …………………… (see) more.
    3.   We …………………… (not stay) at home if the weather …………………… (be) sunny.
    4.   Lily …………………… (enjoy) her holiday more if she …………………… (not travel) with a group.
    5.   If the guide …………………… (speak) better English, …………………… you …………………… (understand) him?
Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Zero, First, Second or Third Conditional.

Last year, we went on a guided tour of Europe. We had never been to Europe before.
We were sure we 1.
…………………… (see) more if we took a guided group tour. In addition, if the tour company 2. …………………… (plan) our itinerary, there would be
less work for us! Unfortunately, the trip was a disaster and all because of one family.
If this family 3.
…………………… (read) the itinerary, we 4. …………………… (have)
a good time. However, we wasted a lot of time waiting for them every day. Today, I know that when you 5.
…………………… (travel) with a group, it is important to act responsibly. If the people 6. …………………… (not be) considerate, you 7. ……………………
(not enjoy) the trip. If we plan a trip again, we 8.
…………………… (go) sightseeing on
our own!


  1. Hi teacher! I am Gonzalo (3°B) I've just done the exercise 5! It's really difficult for me, i don't like unit 4 at all!!!
    These are the answers, idk if it's correct

    1.Would see 2.Planned 3.Had read 4.would have had 6.are not 7.won't enjoy 8.we will go

    1. -Exercise 5-
      1.would have gone/hadn't cost
      2.had left/would have visited
      3.wouldn't have stayed/had been
      4.would have enjoyed/hadn't travelled
      5.had spoken/would have you understood

    2. It's perfect! well done! Thanks for the comment.

    3. 4.5. be careful with word order: Would you have understood..?

  2. Hello teacher! I'm María (3°B). I've done the exercises to review for the exam. I just have not done the conditional exercises because I understand them very well. In the modal verbs it is a little confusing, I have only had more problem in the gerunds and participles because I have to review the verbs that go with each one.
    Thanks !!

  3. Thank you María! Let me know if you want me to correct these exercises that are not clear enough.

  4. Teacher!! The sentences
    -If you travell to Rome in the summer, it'll be very hot
    -If you travelled to Rome in the summer, it would be very hot

    Which one is correct? I would put the first one in the exam...

    1. Both are correct, It depends pm the situation. Is It probable?

  5. Hola seño soy Paola si tienes dos comentarios mios iguales es porque a mi me sale como que no se ha enviado, por eso te hago las mismas preguntas, en el ejercicio 4 el numero es lily would has enjoyed... o lily would have enjoyed porque no se si el verbo have varia y en muchos sitios he visto que en el segundo condicional ponen were para todas las personas por ejemplo If I were tall... cuando seria I was por eso no se si esta bien. Gracias.

    1. Hello Paola! Lily would have enjoyed is the only correct answer because would is always followed by an infinitive form of the verb. On the other hand, were is usually used instead of was in second conditional. Thanks for your comment.
