Sunday 23 September 2018


Are our siblings the most important people in our lives? Were you the favorite child, the wild child or the middle child?Jeffrey Kluger explores the profound life-long bond between brothers and sisters, and the influence of birth order, favoritism and sibling rivalry.

Sunday 22 April 2018


1. Complete the text with the words below.

caught on ¿ weird ¿ entertaining  ¿ came up with ¿ trendy ¿ requires

The Pet Rock was invented in 1975 by Gary Dahl. He 1. ……………………………… the idea while talking with friends about pets. He bought some rocks, put each one
in a nest in a small box, and included instructions for taking care of the rock. The instructions were very funny and 2.
………………………………  – because a rock, of course, 3. ……………………………… no care! As 4. ……………………………… as it seems, the Pet Rock quickly 5. ……………………………… and became really
……………………………… . Everyone wanted one!

2  Choose the correct answers to show you understand the words in bold.

    1.   I’m using the cordless phone. I can’t / can take it into the other room.
    2.   It’s really hot. I’ll close the window and turn off / on the air conditioner.
    3.   If you keep / don’t keep fresh milk in the fridge, it will go bad.
    4.   I can’t hear / type very well on this mobile phone’s keyboard.
    5.   We had no electricity during the storm, so we used / couldn’t use the microwave oven.
    6.   Can you please take the plates / clothes out of the dishwasher?
    7.   Have you got any paper / maps for the printer?
    8.   Use the food processor to cook / cut the cabbage.

   3. Choose the correct answer.

    1.   There were no judges / witnesses to the murder.

    2.   Thieves broke into / identified our house last night while we were sleeping.

    3.   The driver obeyed / broke the law when he drove through a red light.

    4.   The jury committed the crime / found him guilty.

    5.   The witness identified / caused damage the thief. She remembered what he was wearing.

    6.   The burglar was sent to prison by the hooligan / judge.

    7.   The criminal was given a warning / witness by the police.

    8.   The police have found fingerprints at the scene of the crime / prison sentence.

    9.   During the riot / trial, the lawyer showed some surprising evidence.

  10.  The accused was very happy when he was found innocent / guilty of the crime.

4.Complete the text with the words below.

committed crimes ¿ damage was caused ¿ hooligans ¿ prison sentences ¿ riot
      Yesterday, there was a 1. …………………… on Mercer Street. Hundreds of people  were hurt. Serious 2. …………………… to shops in the area when a group of 3. …………………… broke windows and started fires. Ten teenagers were arrested. According to police, four of them have 4. …………………… in the past, so they could receive 5.
…………………… .

5. Complete the dialogues with the words below.

     in pain ¿ cuts ¿ dead ¿ unconscious ¿ escaped ¿ losing blood

    1.   A: Was anyone killed in the accident?

          B: Yes, three people are …………………… .

    2.   A: Were the burglars arrested?

          B: No, they …………………… before the police came.

    3.   A: How badly was Ben hurt?

          B: He’s broken his leg so he’s …………………… .

    4.   A: Can I talk to my father now?

          B: No, he’s …………………… . Try later. He may be awake then.

    5.   A: Was she injured?

          B: Yes. She’s …………………… . We must get her to hospital.

    6.   Detective: Did the robber break the window?

          Police officer: Yes, look at those …………………… on his hand. 

6.  Complete the sentences.

    1.   Some animals d … … … … … … e  t … … … … … … … … s when an e … … … y is near.
    2.   At night, gorillas b … … … … n … … … s in trees to sleep in.
    3.   How many babies does a tiger g … … … b … … … … to at one time?
    4.   Zebras run in groups as a way to d … … … … d  t … … … … … … … … s when
lions a … … … … k them.
    5.   If a p … … … … … … … s snake b … … … s you, you must get to hospital immediately.
    6.   How long can a person s … … … a … … … … without food?
    7.   My dog is usually h … … … … … … …, but he can be dangerous if he f … … … …
t … … … … … … … … d.

7. Complete the sentences with the singular or plural form of the words below.
beak ¿ trunk ¿ tusk ¿ scale ¿ wing ¿ jaw ¿ paw ¿ tail
    1.   A bird can’t fly with a broken …………………… .
    2.   …………………… are actually long front teeth.
    3.   Many fish have got colourful …………………… .
    4.   Some monkeys have got very long, strong …………………… .
    5.   My dog doesn’t like walking in the snow. His …………………… get cold.
    6.   An elephant uses its …………………… to eat and drink.
    7.   A bird’s …………………… is suited to the type of food it eats.
    8.   The hippo’s …………………… allows it to open its mouth to almost 180 degrees.

Tuesday 27 February 2018


1  Complete the sentences with the infinitive form of the verbs below.

buy ¿ arrive ¿ make ¿ teach ¿ get
    1.   There was a lot of traffic. We were lucky …………………… on time.
    2.   Erin promised …………………… me how to make that delicious roast lamb.
    3.   Did you agree …………………… dinner tonight?
    4.   You will need …………………… sugar, milk, eggs, flour and chocolate to make that dessert.
    5.   I missed my bus and it took me two hours …………………… home.

2  Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use a gerund.

    1.   It’s not a good idea to eat too much salt.
          It’s better to avoid .......................................................  .
    2.   Could you make pancakes for breakfast?
          Would you mind ......................................................... ?
    3.   I’m sorry I was late for dinner.
          He apologised for ........................................................ .
    4.   It’s not a good idea to call us at dinner time.
          ................................................................... a good idea.
    5.   Have you already made dinner?
          Have you finished ......................................................  ?
    6.   I might study Italian cooking.
          I’m thinking about ....................................................... .

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use gerunds or infinitives.
There may be more than one correct answer.

    1.   I have to go home. I forgot …………………… (turn off) the oven!
    2.   I don’t remember …………………… (try) this fish before. This is my first time!
    3.   I’m tired. I must stop …………………… (rest).
    4.   I must stop …………………… (eat) so much ice cream. It’s not good for me.

4. Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use gerunds or infinitives.
There may be more than one correct answer

Americans enjoy 1. …………………… (eat) bananas more than any other fruit. However, most Americans would be surprised 2. …………………… (learn) that there were no bananas in the US until the late 1800s. The first people to start
…………………… (grow) bananas probably lived in East Asia as early as the
6th century BC. People in Africa learned 4.
…………………… (cultivate) this delicious yellow fruit long before Europeans even thought of 5. …………………… (plant) them. In the 15th century, Portuguese sailors travelled to West Africa and found a fruit called “banema” by the local people. In English, people decided
…………………… (call) the fruit “banana”. The sailors took banana plants
with them. Bananas eventually reached the USA in the late 1800s, but
…………………… (convince) Americans to taste them was hard. In the
1900s, supermarkets tried 8.
…………………… (get) people to buy bananas by
…………………… (sell) the fruit with special coupons for cornflakes. They suggested 10. …………………… (slice) bananas into a bowl and adding cornflakes and milk. With a few simple suggestions like this, the banana quickly succeeded in 11. …………………… (become) very popular!


1.Helen is having a party. Complete what she says to her friends with the verbs below.
Use the affirmative or negative form of must, have to or need to. There may be more
than one correct answer.

call ¿ take ¿ bring ¿ clean ¿ touch
    1.   I ……………………………… some photos. I want to remember this party.
    2.   You really ……………………………… a gift. It’s not a birthday party.
    3.   We ……………………………… Jane right away. We forgot to tell her about the party.
    4.   You ……………………………… my sister’s computer. She doesn’t want anyone to use it.
    5.   We ……………………………… the house after the party.

2.Learn how to make friends at a new school. Choose the correct modals to complete the tips.

    1.   You should /mustn’t / shouldn’t talk to everyone you meet at first. You never
know who will become a good friend.
    2.   You must / mustn’t / need to try to be someone you’re not. It’s important for
people to get to know the real you.
    3.   You mustn’t / should / don’t have to ask for help when you need it. It’s a good
way to make a new friend.
    4.   You mustn’t / shouldn’t / have to try to remember people’s names. They
sometimes get annoyed when you don’t.
    5.   Remember, you don’t need to / mustn’t / should have 100 friends. It’s enough
to have two or three good friends.
    6.   You shouldn’t / mustn’t / have to be patient. It’s ok not to make 10 friends on
the first day at your new school.

3.  Write questions with the words in brackets and suitable modals.

    1.   A: ......................................................................................................... (call your parents)
          B: No. They know where I am and when I’m coming home.
    2.   A: ......................................................................................................... (study for a test today)
          B: Yes, I’ve got a maths test tomorrow.
    3.   A: ......................................................................................................... (forgive Max)

     B: I think so. He didn’t mean to hurt your feelings

4.  Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use the modals in brackets.

    1.   Is it really necessary to apologise? (need to)
    2.   It would be a good idea for you to relax after working so hard. (should)
    3.   Do not hurt someone’s feelings by making fun of them. (mustn’t)
    4.   Will it be possible for us to do this? (able to)
    5.   It’s possible that he won’t agree with us. (might)
    6.   It’s not necessary to be pushy to get what you want. (don’t have to)
    7.   Do you need help? (can)