Sunday 22 April 2018


1. Complete the text with the words below.

caught on ¿ weird ¿ entertaining  ¿ came up with ¿ trendy ¿ requires

The Pet Rock was invented in 1975 by Gary Dahl. He 1. ……………………………… the idea while talking with friends about pets. He bought some rocks, put each one
in a nest in a small box, and included instructions for taking care of the rock. The instructions were very funny and 2.
………………………………  – because a rock, of course, 3. ……………………………… no care! As 4. ……………………………… as it seems, the Pet Rock quickly 5. ……………………………… and became really
……………………………… . Everyone wanted one!

2  Choose the correct answers to show you understand the words in bold.

    1.   I’m using the cordless phone. I can’t / can take it into the other room.
    2.   It’s really hot. I’ll close the window and turn off / on the air conditioner.
    3.   If you keep / don’t keep fresh milk in the fridge, it will go bad.
    4.   I can’t hear / type very well on this mobile phone’s keyboard.
    5.   We had no electricity during the storm, so we used / couldn’t use the microwave oven.
    6.   Can you please take the plates / clothes out of the dishwasher?
    7.   Have you got any paper / maps for the printer?
    8.   Use the food processor to cook / cut the cabbage.

   3. Choose the correct answer.

    1.   There were no judges / witnesses to the murder.

    2.   Thieves broke into / identified our house last night while we were sleeping.

    3.   The driver obeyed / broke the law when he drove through a red light.

    4.   The jury committed the crime / found him guilty.

    5.   The witness identified / caused damage the thief. She remembered what he was wearing.

    6.   The burglar was sent to prison by the hooligan / judge.

    7.   The criminal was given a warning / witness by the police.

    8.   The police have found fingerprints at the scene of the crime / prison sentence.

    9.   During the riot / trial, the lawyer showed some surprising evidence.

  10.  The accused was very happy when he was found innocent / guilty of the crime.

4.Complete the text with the words below.

committed crimes ¿ damage was caused ¿ hooligans ¿ prison sentences ¿ riot
      Yesterday, there was a 1. …………………… on Mercer Street. Hundreds of people  were hurt. Serious 2. …………………… to shops in the area when a group of 3. …………………… broke windows and started fires. Ten teenagers were arrested. According to police, four of them have 4. …………………… in the past, so they could receive 5.
…………………… .

5. Complete the dialogues with the words below.

     in pain ¿ cuts ¿ dead ¿ unconscious ¿ escaped ¿ losing blood

    1.   A: Was anyone killed in the accident?

          B: Yes, three people are …………………… .

    2.   A: Were the burglars arrested?

          B: No, they …………………… before the police came.

    3.   A: How badly was Ben hurt?

          B: He’s broken his leg so he’s …………………… .

    4.   A: Can I talk to my father now?

          B: No, he’s …………………… . Try later. He may be awake then.

    5.   A: Was she injured?

          B: Yes. She’s …………………… . We must get her to hospital.

    6.   Detective: Did the robber break the window?

          Police officer: Yes, look at those …………………… on his hand. 

6.  Complete the sentences.

    1.   Some animals d … … … … … … e  t … … … … … … … … s when an e … … … y is near.
    2.   At night, gorillas b … … … … n … … … s in trees to sleep in.
    3.   How many babies does a tiger g … … … b … … … … to at one time?
    4.   Zebras run in groups as a way to d … … … … d  t … … … … … … … … s when
lions a … … … … k them.
    5.   If a p … … … … … … … s snake b … … … s you, you must get to hospital immediately.
    6.   How long can a person s … … … a … … … … without food?
    7.   My dog is usually h … … … … … … …, but he can be dangerous if he f … … … …
t … … … … … … … … d.

7. Complete the sentences with the singular or plural form of the words below.
beak ¿ trunk ¿ tusk ¿ scale ¿ wing ¿ jaw ¿ paw ¿ tail
    1.   A bird can’t fly with a broken …………………… .
    2.   …………………… are actually long front teeth.
    3.   Many fish have got colourful …………………… .
    4.   Some monkeys have got very long, strong …………………… .
    5.   My dog doesn’t like walking in the snow. His …………………… get cold.
    6.   An elephant uses its …………………… to eat and drink.
    7.   A bird’s …………………… is suited to the type of food it eats.
    8.   The hippo’s …………………… allows it to open its mouth to almost 180 degrees.


  1. Hi! I think this activities are really helpful, because are very similar to the vocabulary exam. Thanks!

  2. Very useful activities. Thanks teacher!! ;-) ~Salma
